Ota Kuroyu Onsen Dai ni Hinode-yu
(permanently closed) please enjoy the pictures
Ota Kuroyu Onsen Dai ni Hinode-yu (大田黒湯温泉第二日の出湯) is a charming sento in Kamata, Ota-ku where you can enjoy a really nice kuroyu rotenburo (natural black water) in a quiet Japanese garden with a few Japanese Koi. The black water is said to be excellent for the beauty of the skin. Women can enjoy rotenburo the first two weeks of the month and men the last two ones.
The Facilities
Massage bath, black water bath, rotenburo (outdoor bath).

Retro. Wall paint of Fuji-san with, very surprisingly, an Audi car! Designed by the artist Tanaka-san. Audi made a commercial in this sento in order to thanks their 200,000 Facebook fans (video). I really love this small paradise surrounded by vintage atmosphere in the south of Tokyo. The rotenburo possesses an overwhelming inner natural beauty.
Open hours
3pm to 0.30am, every day except Wednesday.
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