Making off video
My friend Cory was able to beautifully capture the precious moments during my time, while I was shooting photos to introduce the sento in my first book.
My love of the sento is not only because of the space, it’s the story of the sento and the wonderful people that are surrounded by it every time I go. I will always treasure each encounter, and the peoples smiles are my everyday motivation.
Video By: Cory (insta: @visual_kimono )
My book will be available soon at the public libraries in Japan and Amazon, be on the lookout for its release :
The sento in the video are Tokyo-yokujo & Taisei-yu in Shinagawa-ku and Hakusan-yu in Koto-yu.
Thanks to all the people that participated, and to all the sento members for giving so much happiness to people and thank you Cory!
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